© Origlam & Carlos Bidarre
This brilliant dancer, and another sister as well, generating enormous delight among the knights. Including the photographer.
They are made of paper chirimen imitation of the Japanese silk kimono combining red with purple details, considered one of the finest blades to wear the kimono. In fact the red of this paper is extremely peculiar pink to look like a Western eye but it is really a red that has not reached its crimson, but saves more acidic dye and pale pink. The stamp is the leafless cherry petals with violet flowers and fans of the different seasons. In the obi, dark purple, more fans yet: more enriched with gilding and bright purple.
the other day I was telling Marina, a new disciple, how important it is to know and observe and understand the Japanese gesture. The gestures of dance (mai ) in particular are extremely surprising to the Western colonizer and especially the way they have on the body with the hands, arms or manipulate the fans.
Marina, beyond the familiar gestures of bowing, kneeling or sitting a certain way to take a cup to drink, those gestures that might even make a doll. Will we ever capture that mimics kindness?

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