Song In the state of an artisan carved ivory mulberry leaves for his master. It took three years to finish them. Had stems and tendrils, he had wide and narrow, large and small and had a lustrous color. By bringing in the leaves real mulberry could not tell the difference. The craftsman was awarded a pension by the lord of Song.
When Lao Tzu knew this story, he thought: "If the earth and the sky did their leaves in three years, then things would just leaves in the world." Therefore, if you discount the resources of heaven and earth and expect it all to one man, or discard the principles and reason to depend on the wisdom of one man, it will be like making a single sheet in three years .
When Lao Tzu knew this story, he thought: "If the earth and the sky did their leaves in three years, then things would just leaves in the world." Therefore, if you discount the resources of heaven and earth and expect it all to one man, or discard the principles and reason to depend on the wisdom of one man, it will be like making a single sheet in three years .
Han Fei Zi, C. XXI. Artwork thought of Lao Tzu