Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How Long Will Herpes Virus Survive

of mulberry leaf Japanese Chamber

Song In the state of an artisan carved ivory mulberry leaves for his master. It took three years to finish them. Had stems and tendrils, he had wide and narrow, large and small and had a lustrous color. By bringing in the leaves real mulberry could not tell the difference. The craftsman was awarded a pension by the lord of Song.

When Lao Tzu knew this story, he thought: "If the earth and the sky did their leaves in three years, then things would just leaves in the world." Therefore, if you discount the resources of heaven and earth and expect it all to one man, or discard the principles and reason to depend on the wisdom of one man, it will be like making a single sheet in three years .

Han Fei Zi, C. XXI. Artwork thought of Lao Tzu

Friday, January 14, 2011

Bison Laptop Camera Driver Indir

New Political Science and Public Administration at the UMC

In the past 6 months I have been working on creating the career of Political Science and Public Administration at the Universidad Miguel de Cervantes . Now comes the moment of truth, which is the process of registration of both day and evening students.
Among all the differences with the Chilean education system in Argentina, I draw much attention here how there is great competition among universities to recruit students.
One looks for certain characteristics in the curriculum, ensures that the faculty are recognized experts and that the University is serious and simple path and the decision of where to study. You decide as to discern what you are looking not for advertising or war of calls and tenders.

If you have a vocation of service, think that the only valid way of doing politics is as ethics and morality, the sole interest in the common good and not personal interest, look I formed with the necessary knowledge and tools currently for the professionalization of the public sector, teachers of academic excellence with years of experience in public administration, then studying political science and public administration is to go beyond idealism and action.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Canon Xti Firmware Hack Interval

5 measures of government employment and labor policy that would promote ...

Workers and unions
1. Recognize the CTA and remove the monopoly of the CGT and the power to Moyano, to stop stealing on behalf of workers. Just as the unions do not stop reforms that would benefit the people (such as the automation of part of the subway system to increase the frequency time of)
2. Train workers on their rights and standardize the union leadership. Renewal and Commitment Now The participation of workers in unions is necessary to promote the importance they deserve these intermediary bodies.
3. Generate policies specific labor market as young people age range (first job) and adults over 50.
4. Labor policies that promote work-life balance and family life for both women and men, respectively.
5. Tables tripartite dialogue more transparent by publishing information on them to avoid negotiations that respond to particular interests and not the general welfare.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Business Slogans Dry Clean

Equestrian Barcelona Circle

few days ago my uncle invited me to lunch at Circle Equestrian Barcelona and what was very surprised to discover the oriental paintings, culminating one of the rooms in your library. On the roof of one of these rooms nineteenth century, a collection of Japanese trays decorated with different traditional motifs. Plum blossoms, carp, bamboo, ducks, Asagao ... and the landscape with the moon, Mount Fuji, bamboo and what means are 2 cranes.

It was something hard to guess the organizing principle of the composition. Four great scenes, like this one, arranged in a cross in each corner plus one more in the center with a view of water and tents and, in each of the arms of the cross that separated, 4 small pans in a circle, each with a different reason. I tried to find on the site if anyone knew the history of this room but nobody could tell me.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Punta For Fibroid In India

... and finally ... Japanese Dancer

I wish all the bunnies and bunnies that a leap, ye happy Year of the Rabbit:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Denise Milani Collage Vore

Who am I? Tell me who I am.

says this beautiful lady. They say all my dolls medieval. Lost, wrapped, in the folds of silk kimonos nine overlapping. Missed involved, the endless tufts of black hair. Lost, wrapped, always backs. Lost, without a face or body, except for those at night are found. Lost on silk threads and hair. Keeping love and dreams in crisp folds and loops of sadness and withdrawal.

Tell me who I am. Only Love answers. Only you answer me.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Tangerine Cafe Woodland Hills

Heian Women

© Origlam & Carlos Bidarre

This brilliant dancer, and another sister as well, generating enormous delight among the knights. Including the photographer.

They are made of paper chirimen imitation of the Japanese silk kimono combining red with purple details, considered one of the finest blades to wear the kimono. In fact the red of this paper is extremely peculiar pink to look like a Western eye but it is really a red that has not reached its crimson, but saves more acidic dye and pale pink. The stamp is the leafless cherry petals with violet flowers and fans of the different seasons. In the obi, dark purple, more fans yet: more enriched with gilding and bright purple.

the other day I was telling Marina, a new disciple, how important it is to know and observe and understand the Japanese gesture. The gestures of dance (mai ) in particular are extremely surprising to the Western colonizer and especially the way they have on the body with the hands, arms or manipulate the fans.

Marina, beyond the familiar gestures of bowing, kneeling or sitting a certain way to take a cup to drink, those gestures that might even make a doll. Will we ever capture that mimics kindness?