Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How Much Would A Post Nuptial Agreement Cost?


CORPHUEX, was present the day Sunday in the day REFUGEE MUNDI at Mass at the shrine Mary Immaculate, which had also activities for children and refugee families.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How To Program Ritetemp 8050

World Refugee Day.

the 21st of June, carried out the planting of 5 trees representing the five continents, in the garden Mapulemu Metropolitan Park, which was attended by the undersecretary of the interior, Patrick Roseberry, Fabio Varoli, UNHCR, vicar of pastoral and social workers, refugee families in Chile,

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sim City 4 Deluxe Patch 1.1


Dear friends,

The National Champion Penta Marinera Norteña Trujillo Alfredo Dinatale, based in Miami, come to Madrid and will be teaching classes.

places and times are as follows:

's Corner Restaurant

Folklore (c / walk Workshops 1 within a football field Boetticher, metro villaverde low beam)

Wednesday June 24: 18: 00 to 21:00 hrs

Thursday June 25 from 18:00 to 21:00

Price: 20 euros an hour. Group class.

Metro Chambers of Cuzco

(By the lockers, odd output within the metro)

Friday June 26: 17:00 to 19:00

price: 20 euros an hour. Group class.

Academy "Estampas Peruanas"

(c / Opañel portalegre 8 meters or Urgel-rooms of the Christ of Peace Parish)

Saturday June 27:

Basics: 10:00 to 11:00
Advanced: from 11:00 to 12:00

Price: 10 euros an hour. Group class. Belonging to Estampas Peruanas.

Regards. Miguel Mendoza

Estampas Peruanas 600 739 514 CALL